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2017 Printing Industry undefineds Big Conjecture

Published in:NEWS Published in6年dates ago

? ? The new year has opened the curtain, and the printing industry will also usher in a new development. What will happen in the future? Maybe you have a different view as a printer. What new policies will come out? What new technologies will lead the future? What new products will bring about change? What is the future of the printing industry? It is not known yet, but it is possible to think about it.

? ? 2017, will Chinaundefineds economy be better?

? ? I donundefinedt know what the truth is, but we hope this is a real.2016 year, the economic situation at home and abroad is very serious, the contradictions and pressure are very huge, so everyone hopes that the new year will have good news on the economic problem.

? ? As far as economic growth is concerned, on the basis of keeping the 6.5% bottom line, we will strive to go further than last year. Although this year, with the coming of the new president of the United States to make the international economic situation faced with many uncertain factors, as long as the economic construction is unswervingly persisted, as long as the goal is not relaxed, as long as the goal is not relaxed, it is strict. It is hopeful to keep the bottom line, improve the level and realize the new goal of economic growth. The printing industry has also experienced the heavy pressure from the economic downturn for many years, so I hope that the new year will improve the industryundefineds development predicament and boost the development of the industry from the economic problems.

? ? 2017, the effect of atmospheric governance is remarkable?

? ? After a long time, the word "fog and haze" is full of peopleundefineds mind, and the term "stop production" has become a normal.2016 year of business in winter. A few rounds of fog and haze sweeping across the country have attracted wide attention and hot discussion. For the most difficult thing of "haze treatment", whether the government can take effective measures in 2017 is worth closing. Note.

? ? With the introduction of the VOC emission standard, with the introduction of environmental tax, with the clear targets for haze treatment in various places, we may have reason to believe that the problem of air pollution control is on the basis of the introduction of the VOC emission standard. In the end it will be able to be solved.

? ? The printing industry has always been moving forward on the road of environmental protection, carrying out green printing projects, using green printing consumables and introducing environmental protection printing equipment, which does not reflect the determination of the industry on environmental protection problems.

? ? 2017,3D printing is developing steadily?

? ? 3D printing industry in recent years is the wind blowing, in many fields have set off a small wave. With the continuous innovation of technology, industry scale is also increasing, in 2017 can usher in a greater development?

? ? It was reported that in 2017, although it was not a key year for the development of the 3D printing industry, but it was indeed a year of.2017 that tested the creativity of the 3D printing industry and the potential for development, 3D printing would probably be in the new field, such as industry, and so on.<br/>2017, childrenundefineds publication in a steady rise?

? ? 2017 is an important year for the implementation of the "13th Five-Year" plan. It is also the.2017 year of the deepening of the supply side reform. The deepening of the reform of the press and publishing industry has arduous tasks. With the introduction of the "13th Five-Year" plan for the reading of the whole people, the new yearundefineds publishing field will also usher in great development. The industry of the 2017 Beijing publishing and issuing industry at the beginning of this year has promoted the development of the industry. Easy to understand, we can clearly realize that the publication of childrenundefineds books that occupy half the country will usher in a bigger breakthrough in the new year.

? ? Industry people believe that in 2017, the publication of childrenundefineds publishing will open up the territory, continue to witness the "age of childrenundefineds book", the overall development trend is still good, the market will remain "bull market", and the strong implementation of the green printing project, and the birth of many new technologies in the childrenundefineds book market, the development of this field can be said to be.2017 years, Childrenundefineds publishing is coming to a great development. Maybe itundefineds not just that simple.

? ? 2017, the packaging market ushered in change?

? ? In recent years, the field of packaging and printing has been regarded as a major growth point in the printing market. With the continuous emergence of environmental packaging and intelligent packaging technology, the value of this field has been continuously improved. According to the 13th Five-Year planning and Ministry of industry and industry, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Commerce issued the guidance on accelerating the transformation and development of the packaging industry in China, 2017 packaging line The industry will be based on the existing foundation, complement the development of short board, improve the quality brand as the development idea, strengthen the transformation and development, solve the bottleneck of the industrial development, effectively enhance the core competitiveness, lead the industry in the passive adaptation to the active service, the factor drive to the innovation drive, the transformation of traditional production to green production.

? ? In 2017, it is believed that the packaging and printing industry will be able to continue to force this field by speeding up the transformation and upgrading, innovation and development and usher in a new change. The printing industry may use more intelligent technology and more environmentally friendly means to develop more market space in.2017.

? ?2017, the trend of intelligent printing factory?

? ? Yan Xiaohong, deputy director of the State Administration of news and broadcasting and television, stressed that the Chinese printing industry should strive to carry out the five development concepts of "innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing", and the development direction of "green, digital, intelligent, and integrated", to realize the transformation from a big printing country to a powerful printing power.

? ? In the printing industry, more and more enterprises in the field of intelligent transformation, such as the introduction of the northern group of intelligent chemical plant, let people see the charm of the modern printing plant, the orderly production process, almost no manual intervention, is very consistent with the standards of the present generation of intelligent factories. And the joint-stock, also is If the year 2016 is the first year of the commercialization of artificial intelligence, then 2017 is expected to become the first year of artificial intelligence. Do you think so?

? ? 2017, the strong growth of electronic business printing?

? ? In 2016, it was a year for the growth of the printing business. In this year, the printing business has sprung up and led the development of the printing industry. In this year, the printing business was favored by the capital market. In a short period of time, the capital has invested hundreds of millions of yuan in this area. It is easy to see that the rapid development of printing business has attracted more and more attention.

? ? In 2017, we believe that with the development of network technology, the online and offline transactions are becoming more and more convenient.

? ?2017, the capacity elimination will be added?

? ? After more than thirty years of continuous development after the reform and opening up, it is an indisputable fact that printing capacity is more than market demand. The supply side reform of "reducing production capacity", "reducing cost" and "filling short board" is imperative for the entire printing industry. This is also one of the five major tasks clearly pointed out by the central economic work conference.

? ?In 2016, production capacity has become the primary task of printing industry. The printing enterprises are actively participating in it. The printing enterprises are actively participating in it, speeding up the transformation and upgrading, speeding up the research and development of innovation technology, accelerating the integration and development of the industry, and constantly cater for the changes in the market demand..2017 is the key year for the supply side structure reform, so the addition of the capacity to the capacity is added. Code is also unavoidable. Printing enterprises must act actively, while actively expanding the market, effectively adjust the printing capacity and do a good job in the supply side reform.

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